Well hello everyone! It's been such a long time since I posted an article! I missed writing but I have been super busy at work these last couple of months, hence, the inactivity here.
But now, all is well, so I'm back! And the back to business article is none other than a yummy recipe that is super easy to make and so delish!!!
Let's take a look at the ingredients then:
Around 3 kilos worth of sweet potatoes
1-2 cups fresh milk
1 pack of butter
1 tsp of vanilla
around 2 tbsp of brown sugar
around 1/4 cup of condensed milk
toasted sliced almonds (optional)
small sized marshmallows (around 250g)

My sister in law came back from New York City a month ago, and she made this yummy sweet potato pie. I watched and helped her make it so that I could share it here. And the ingredients are very accessible, and don't break the bank as well, so you end up having delicious dessert that is super affordable.

First off, you peel the sweet potatoes and boil them in a pot, until soft. You know it's done when a fork you insert goes through without any resistance. Drain the water, put it back in the stove just to dry out all the excess water.
Almost all the ingredients don't have exact measurements, because sweet potatoes have varying degrees of sweetness. The trick here is to add the other ingredients sparingly so as not to lose the natural taste of the sweet potatoes.
While still piping hot, add the butter, and start mashing. Add the brown sugar, some of the fresh milk as well as the condensed milk.
The trick is to add a little bit at a time until you get the consistency you like. Not too mushy, and not too dry either. The sweetness should only enhance the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes, not overpower it.

When you get the consistency you like, transfer the whole thing to a baking dish. Pop it in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes ot so, to cook the other ingredients added.

In the meantime, if you have sliced almonds at home, toast it in low heat until it turns a bit brown. The almonds add texture to the pie. But if you don't have it, you can totally skip it.

Take out the pie from the oven and sprinkle the toasted sliced almonds on top.

On top of that, start sprinkling your marshmallows on top. For better visuals, or if you have nothing else to do, try making the marshmallows 'stand up'. Me and my sister in law did this together for maybe 15 minutes. If you don't have time, just scatter the mallows evenly on top. That's perfectly fine.
We finally did it! It was a bit tedious, but we wanted it to look nice, and here is what it looked like. Put it back in the oven for around 15 minutes or so just to brown the mallows a bit.The finished product looks like this! I have to say, it was so delicious! I didn't know that sweet potatoes can turn into something as delicious as this. I only ever had them baked as they were, sprinkled in olive oil before, or boiled, roasted or fried, or cooked in coconut milk.
Tada! Here is a slice of the pie! My 4 year old grand nephew had one thing to say about it. "I love it!' he said. And that's all there is to it, ha ha!
Hope you enjoy making it at home as well! For other recipes, you can go to this page.
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